Judges 2:10
(10) And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel.
To set the scene here, Joshua, one of the greatest leaders that has ever stepped foot on earth has just passed away (v.8). What a man he was, and what many wonderful and powerful works he did for the Lord. He led by example, he sought God as did his mentor Moses. He had a great teacher. He had a great example to follow.
Let’s look at the verse shall we? There arose “another generation which knew not the Lord”. Folks, if there has ever been another time in history that this is coming to pass – ITS NOW!! I consider myself to still be a young man (about to turn 37 years old, Lord willing) and I can see it in my own generation. I can see it even more in the generation of my own kids. You don’t have to look very far at all, and if there is any Spirit within you, you likely already know this. There is very little respect for authority, laziness, disrespectful, and any other sin you want to plug in here. Now, if we are going to prevent this from continuing, we MUST hold ourselves more accountable for the things we say, that we do, the things that we DON’T say and do as well!
Not saying or doing something when we know that we should is still a sin. Yes, its sin! Call it what it is. Whether we are a Pastor, Deacon, member, parent, or any other title that you may have – people are watching and listening to you! To this day, one of the most convicting things I have experienced has came from my oldest son. As we were leaving church one drizzly rainy night and walking through the parking lot he said to me: ” daddy, I’m stepping in the same places you are, just like when we’re hunting”. (Our parking lot isn’t paved, so it can get somewhat muddy/gritty he didn’t want to get his shoes dirty and was stepping as close to me as possible) I can honestly testify that this stopped me dead in my tracks. OH MY! That was a BIG Holy Ghost chain jerk coming through my son. If you don’t understand what I’m saying, just think about it spiritually and literally. My son, has been listening and watching everything that I say and do, without me even realizing it. Yes, I try to teach him how to hunt, etc. But, most importantly I am trying to teach him (as well as my other children) how to know the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I want to make sure that my kids KNOW Who provides for us. I have job, yes. But God gives the increase. God provides the income, the food, the shelter, the extra things things that we don’t even deserve. They KNOW who God is! I don’t say this that to my glory, I say it to further encourage everyone reading this to hold themselves to a higher standard. To be more accountable. Whether you have children or not, someone is watching you. If we don’t walk a more narrow line for the Lord, the generation around us as well as behind us WILL NOT know God! “How are they going to hear except there be a preacher”? Someone has to set the example. Someone has to be more accountable. LET IT BE YOU!!!
Bro. Billy McCormick
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