Solid Rock Bible Believing Baptist Church is passionate about sharing God’s Word around the world! Not only have many of our members gone on missions trips to Romania, Mexico and the Philippines, but our church also currently supports the following 12 international missionaries and their families:
- Armstrong Sibbaluca – Philippines and Southeast Asia
- Arnold Alagao – Philippines
- Bro. JD Walker – Church planter in the Philippines
- The Dave Dela Paz family – Philippines
- Edward and Bethlehem de los Reyes – Church planters/missions in China
- Kyle and Hannah Shreve – Peru
- The Lord family – Albania
- The Rastelli family – BosniaHerzegovina
- Russ and Joanna Noggle – Romania, Moldovia, Ukraine, and Turkey
- The Sanabrias family – Colombia
- Bob Hawke – Mexico
- Arnold Woodard – Mexico
We also aid in the support of a Moldavian woman who escaped from from her captures, having been sold in the sex trade. She escaped with her children and was won to Christ by our missionary but had no home and means of support for herself or her children. We were burdened by that need and we have helped to support Georgeta monthly. She was praying and depending on God to take care of her and he did through Solid Rock.